How to Service Your High-Performance Cold Air Intake Filter

You have done your research, read the reviews, and pulled the trigger on the 27WON hybrid cold air intake system for your 10th generation Honda Civic. You have had it on the car for a while now and are getting ready for some routine maintenance on your CivicX. You might be wondering what to do in order to make sure your system runs optimally. In this blog, we give you all the resources you need to maintain your 27WON intake system.

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What follows below are some simple steps and things to note about your intake. 

  1. Your 27WON CAI uses a fully “serviceable” air filter. This means your filter can be taken out of the box, washed, and reused. No need to buy a replacement filter once or twice a year. Check out Step 40 here for reference to remove your 27WON specific air filter

  2. The filter is 100% oil-free. You have likely seen the popular K&N oil style filter. That unit requires a special oil to be applied to it after cleaning that can be a bit messy and smelly. The 27WON CAI uses a synthetic dry flow filter which means no oil and thus no mess.

  3. There is a special cleaner for your air filter. The part numbers for the cleaner is below as well as a link to buy for just over $10 on Amazon if you got Prime:

    1. K&N part number = 99-0624 (for a 32oz spray bottle of cleaner)

    2. AEM part number = 1-1000 (for a 32oz spray bottle of cleaner)

  4. Lastly, should you find a need to replace the filter either due to damage or you would just like a spare on hand ready to go you can always call us to get a replacement.

For a full step by step on how to clean the filter check out the video below on our YouTube channel or keep reading:

Steps to clean 27WON Filter:

1: Remove the air filter element from your car and tap the edges to shake off any loose dirt or large particles like leaves that can get stuck in the pleats.

2: Spray both the in and outside of the air filter with the cleaner mentioned above and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Make sure the cleaner does not actually dry on the filter.

3: Rinse the filter with warm water from the inside out to flush out all the dirt and cleaning spray. You can repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed until only clean water is coming through the filter media.

4: After cleaning is complete, shake off any extra water. You can choose to let the filter dry naturally or you can use low pressure compressed air to help speed up the dry cycle. The important part is to make sure the filter is totally dry before putting it back in the car.

5: Reinstall and enjoy the performance benefits all over again.

The team here suggests that you clean your filter at least every 10,000 miles and even sooner if you live in a dusty area as we do in Las Vegas. We clean ours between 6,000 and 8,000 miles.

We hope you found this useful and informative. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

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